A South Park Character
Character Creators South Park Character Creator Lego Character Creator Sonic Character Creator

martes, 27 de mayo de 2008


I feel you, Johanna
I feel you...

I was half convinced I'd waken,
Satisfied enough to dream you.
Happily I was mistaken,

I'll steal you, Johanna
I'll steal you...

Do they think that walls could hide you?
Even now, I'm at your window.
I am in the dark beside you...
Buried sweetly in your yellow hair!

I feel you, Johanna!
And one day I'll steal you!
Til I'm with you then,
I'm with you there!
Sweetly buried in your yellow hair...

lunes, 5 de mayo de 2008

Diamond in the Sky

Esta cancion se la dedico a alguien muy especial para mi.
Es solo para recordarte que... te amo. No matter what.


Diamond in the Sky

Another day is like a new beginning
And so today I know that it's a new start
I know the bad times are disappearing
Cause now I know that we'll never be apart

You're the one that makes me feel so high
Just like the diamonds in the sky
I never want to hear you say goodbye
Cause you're my diamond in the sky

You're the one that makes me feel so high
Just like the diamonds in the sky
I never want to hear you say goodbye
Cause you're my diamond in the sky

Another road that we must travel
Another night for you to show me the way
And so today, I give up dreaming
Cause now I know, I need you everyday

You're the one that makes me feel so high
Just like the diamonds in the sky
I never want to hear you say goodbye
Cause you're my diamond in the sky

You're the one that makes me feel so high
Just like the diamonds in the sky
I never want to hear you say goodbye
Cause you're my diamond in the sky

Where do all the rainbows go?
To somewhere I don't know
Wherever it is, I want to go

wherever it is I want to go

Feel so high...
Feel so high!

You're the one that makes me feel so high
Just like the diamonds in the sky
I never want to hear you say goodbye
Cause you're my diamond in the sky

You're the one that makes me feel so high
Just like the diamonds in the sky
I never want to hear you say goodbye
Cause you're my diamond in the sky...

Tenemos 10 anios de vida terrenal...

Creo que ninguno me va a creer cuando digo que Jesus no va a tardar mas de 10 anios en llegar de nuevo a la tierra, pero algo que no podran negar es que en septiembre de este anio 2008, se aprobara una ley donde tendra que haber un dia de reposo a la semana, supuestamente para aliviar la crisis economica del pais estadounidense que vendra. Esta es la ley dominical, una pesadilla para los adventistas y otras religiones donde adoran a Dios en sabado. Se descansara obligatoriamente todos los domingos.

Esto querra decir... que solamente tenemos 10 anios de vida en esta tierra? Imaginense... tal vez algunas personas no podran tener ni la oportunidad de hacer sus suenos realidad, como formar una familia, tener nietos... hacer su propio video juego. Eso es triste, pero los adventistas de todas formas no se entristecen, sino que se alegran, porque ya mero vendra Jesus y los llevara al cielo, lugar de felicidad y vida eterna.

Tal vez me escuche como un pastor, o lo que quieras, dando un sermon, pero solo queria compartir este... pequenio detalle. Aqui les dejare un link, es algo largo pero muy interesante.


Cuidense mucho.